Build Business Skills
Foundational business skills are necessary to succeed in any career. In the +Business minor or certificate, you will learn from experienced instructors and gain practical skills through customizable courses.
+Business minor or certificate focus areas include:
- Leading and managing people and teams (BUSBTC 310 Creating Value with People)
- Developing and selling products and services (BUSBTC 320 Creating Value with Customers)
- Measuring and managing profitability and investments (BUSBTC 330 Creating Value Through Investment)
You will also complete a team-based capstone course to integrate your career goals with the business skills you have gained.
Program Information
- +Business Certificate: 12 credit program. Click the course number to see a description of the course.
- +Business Minor: 18 credit program. Click the course number to see a description of the course.
Register for the +Business Minor or Certificate
First, log into your account and click the “Add new major, minor or certificate” button. From there you will be able to choose the minor or certificate. Make sure that you select “Plus Business” as your plan type.
Benefits of declaring a minor or certificate:
- COBE Advising and Career Services, including tutoring, career fairs, and professional development events
- Formal recognition of your minor or certificate on your transcript
- Graduate in your field of study along with business competencies.
+Business Minor and Certificate Faculty and Staff
The +Business Program is located in the College of Business and Economics at the Micron Business and Economics Building. In the following list, you will find contact information for our full-time faculty members, adjunct instructors and staff.
For adjunct instructors office hours, please consult your course syllabus or contact faculty directly.