The roots of Jordann Doler’s desire to help others with their mental health go way back to her childhood.
“When I was a kid, I would play with my Barbies and have them work out their own problems at therapy sessions,” she said. “There was a period of time when I was fighting it. I thought I would go into biology or teaching.”
Instead, Doler graduated from Boise State University’s Master of Social Work Online in December 2024. She works as a mental health therapist for all age groups.
“As soon as I graduated with my undergrad, I started working full-time in social services,” she said. “I decided I wanted to go back for my master’s degree, but I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I always wanted to do social work. I feel like it picked me.”
After enrolling at Boise State in May 2020, Doler took a year off of the program to address her own mental health.
“It makes me a stronger therapist,” she said. “I did high-rise window cleaning for a year while I took a break.
“That’s something else I like about the program at Boise State. You can take a break, take a year off and come back when you’re ready. I came back in a different role at the same agency, then decided it was time to go back to school and finish the degree.”
The online format was especially beneficial for Doler to pace herself throughout the program while working.
“I started during the pandemic,” she said. “I loved the format. I like being a self-paced learner, and I learn well from reading books. It was a big portion of the program to do the reading, then the assignments.
“I was able to attend Boise State while living in Seattle and go at my own pace. I enjoyed meeting my classmates virtually and meeting them in person at graduation.”
Strong foundation

Doler is from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and graduated with an associate degree from North Idaho College and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Idaho in 2016.
“Since I am from Idaho, I was familiar with Boise State’s program,” she said. “I had already gone to a couple of Idaho schools, so I thought I might as well make it three.”
The information Doler learned in the Master of Social Work Online curriculum is applicable to her fledgling career.
“I enjoyed Advanced Interventions I: Comparative Theories, the class where we learned about different therapy techniques, the different modalities,” she said. “I also liked The Evaluation and Treatment of Mental Disorders, where we learned to use the DSM-5.
“I still use what I learned from those two classes more than anything every single day. I also appreciated the emphasis on mindfulness techniques and self-care throughout the program.”
Doler also benefited from using Boise State’s resources, which are available to both online and on-campus students.
“I am open about the mental health challenges I had while I was going to school and the resources and advisors that helped me,” she said. “The Educational Access Center was part of the reason I was able to graduate. I would tell anybody enrolling to be aware of your resources, ask questions, don’t give up and go to your graduation.”
As if she already hadn’t had an eventful four-plus years since enrolling at Boise State, Doler plays in two bands and performs stand-up comedy in her free time.
“I started both of those things in 2022,” she said. “I had never performed before. It’s a great form of self-care, which is another piece of advice I would give someone: make time for self-care. Make it a priority. It helped me. I play keyboard and sing backup vocals.”
Only the beginning
Doler is also engaged to be married. She appreciates the love and support she had from her family and friends throughout her journey to a master’s degree.
“I am deeply grateful for my family and fiancé,” she said. “They supported me in every way through the ups and downs of life so I could finish my degree. I truly would not have been able to finish it without them.
“Me graduating was a pretty big feat. There were times when I wasn’t sure I was going to go back to school. It’s hard to go back after taking a break.”
Walking at commencement was a great way for Doler to put a bow on the experience of returning to higher education.
“It was awesome — especially being in an online program,” she said. “I highly recommend everyone going to graduation. I got to meet everyone in person for the first time, and I bawled the whole time.”
Doler believes that having a Master of Social Work will help open up opportunities for her to take her career in almost any direction.
“I’m still figuring it out, but I am definitely enjoying being a therapist right now,” she said. “Maybe I could open my own practice or go into management.
“In Washington state, you get your license to be an associate clinical worker. My short-term goal is to have two years under supervision, then get my full clinical independent license.”
Now that she has completed the journey that began in 2020, Doler knows that, like Barbie, she can be anything.
“A master’s degree in social work is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and I can’t believe that I am actually done,” she said. “I’m not sure what I’ll do now without homework.”
Learn more about the social work program
Earning a Master of Social Work Online from Boise State University can open doors to new opportunities and a brighter future — and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Whether you’re exploring if an online degree is right for you or need help with application steps, connecting with a student success coach is the perfect first step.
Ready to learn more? Attend one of our online information sessions or contact a student success coach today.