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IPS Graduation Information

How to Graduate

Congratulations! You are nearing graduation and have a lot to be proud of. Take these final steps to secure your degree and participate in the commencement ceremony.

Step One – Review the Graduation Requirements

Review your Academic Advisement Report (AAR) to confirm that all requirements will be met at the end of your final semester.

Review your degree plan and verify with your most current AAR you’ve taken all the courses listed.

  • Make sure the course number, course name and the semester you earned the credits all match.
  • Make updates to your degree plan if needed.

Step Two – Enroll in Capstone Course

Capstone courses are offered in your final semester and are required to graduate. To register for IPS 495 Capstone Project (two credits), fill out a permission number request form.

Permission Number Request Form

Step Three – Apply for Graduation

You can apply for graduation once you are registered for all of your final semester classes. This is an important step that notifies the registrar you are ready to graduate. Apply no later than the end of the first week of the semester in which you intend to graduate.

Apply for graduation through your Student Center

Boise State University Commencement

Visit the Boise State Commencement website for information on regalia and accessories, commencement schedule, parking and more!

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